RHYTHM - Tessellation


WHAT IS RHYTHM - A regular repeated pattern of sound or movement , rhythm in art refers to the relationship between elements that create sense of harmony .

WHAT IS TESSELLATION - A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering the plane without any gaps or overlaps . In a tessellation the background and foreground have equal meaning.

THE ASSINGMENT - Creation of a tessellation pattern using mnemonic shapes .


1.To create a pattern using tessellation I have taken the silhouette of a person and the character I am gonna use is 'Nobita' from a Japanese cartoon show 'Doraemon'.

2. Then using pen tool I have added details to the same silhouette and tried to get it look like the character I have taken.

3. Then using a rectangular grid and following the concept of Tessellation , I have arranged the characters to get a proper pattern . 

4. The final pattern 


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