Environment Unfriendly

How are we harming the environment ?


1.Sustainability: It is an ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level, it is made up of three principles - economy,society and environment.

2. Suatainable Development: It is the development that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need . 

3. Climate change : A change in the global or regional climate patterns , in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onward and attributed largely to the increased level of atomic carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. 

4. Sustainable Fashion : It is a movement or process of fostering change to fashion products and the fashion systems towards greater ecological integrity and social justice .

We are here in the year 2020 and we have developed in each and every aspect . Everything has become efficient and better , easy to use . But as we are moving towards development , we are forgetting about our environment , our earth .Knowingly or unknowingly we are all harming the environment . 

We humans impact physical environment in many ways : over population , burning fossil fuels , deforestation etc . Changes like these have triggered climate change , soil erosion , altering our planet forever .

One of the major issues I am going to write about is - Climate Change .
Climate change is caused by global increase in temperature and triggered multiple negative effects on the planet . 

Climate change has definitely topped the concern level.


1. Glaciers have shrink 

2. Plant and animal range have shifted 

3. trees are flowering soon

4. Loss of sea ice 

5. More intense sea waves 


1. Temperature will continue to rise 

2. Frost free season will lengthen

3. Changes in precipitation pattern  

4. More droughts and heat waves

5. hurricanes will become stronger 

Now is the time we need to address these issues . It's not too late . We need to bring the change , We need to make a difference !! At this point of time every single bit counts . The youth is taking over these concerns like crazy . These issues have impacted the youth in the right way . Now these young minds are coming together and trying to save their home planet and making it a better place to live in .

Wach this video -

The above video documentary shows that how people are reacting to environmental degradation , how are they raising their voice , what difference are they trying to make .
We are now in the time of climate crisis and we need to work towards improving the situation. The documentary shows various movements that have taken place in order to save the planet . The only route to environmental change is people's uprising .If we observe almost all the movements for environmental change has one thing in common , it's the young generation , young minds are standing up and demanding a better environment. In the united states of America a a passionate group of youth is campaigning for urgent environmental actions and they are forcing the adults to listen to them. It is noted that the environmental crises has struck the youth in a better way , they are more aware , full of enthusiasm and they know what they want . The youth is taking over the urge to save the planet , it has become their agenda to awaken the adults that now is the time to join hands and work towards a better planet a better place to live in .


1. Reusable Bags

2. Print as little as necessary

3. Recycle 

4. Use of reusable beverage containers 

5. Lower the consumption of electricity 

6. Save water 

7. Avoid taking cars and opt for public transport 

Give it a thought and you might come up with your own ways to save the planet .


  1. I really appreciate the way you defined the crucial terms at the beginning for better understanding. The environmental crises is indeed a grave situation. It's high time that our political leaders realise that actions have to taken now, change is the need of the hour. The 'blame game' they have been playing all this while is fruitless and they cannot run from the situation anymore.

  2. Our planet is more important than our wants....n our thoughts are parallel on this....which u discussed above...

  3. The fashion industry is one of the major polluting industries in the world. The production and distribution of the crops, fibers, and garments used in fashion all contribute to differing forms of environmental pollution, including water, air, and soil pollution.
    The clothing industry is responsible for about 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consumes more energy than aviation and shipping combined, according to the united nations environment program.

  4. Yes knowingly or unknowingly we all are harming the environment. But I hope that together by taking small small steps we are able to bring a change for better

  5. Climate change is not in single hand we all should raise our voice and safe our planet


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